As a personal trainer myself I know the value of personal training courses. In an industry as competitive as ours keeping ahead of others can be difficult, especially considering many don’t receive training in sales and marketing.
I don’t truly believe if you’re a sole personal trainer that you need a lot of training in marketing and sales. I think that a personal trainer who can get results is often the most successful personal trainer. If you’re the ‘go to’ guy in your area for running conditioning, weight loss, bodybuilding etc, you’re going to be busier than most. This process takes time and investing in yourself by completing some CPD courses relevant to areas in which you want to specialise in is money well spent.
In my experience many of the personal trainers I have come into contact with have had one common weakness, and it lies in the skill most clients take for granted… running. Very few personal trainers know what to look for when observing a client’s running gait. They can see that the client isn’t running very well, but the ability to analyse running gait and provide drills/ exercises to help improve the client’s performance is lacking.
There are millions of runners in the UK involved with running clubs, often trained by members that have no formal training. This is a huge market that is often left untapped by personal trainers. Not to mention all of the gym members that spend hours and hours running on treadmills. So a natural progression should be for personal trainers to enrol on a course designed to educate personal trainers about running.
Completing our personal training course in Running Conditioning and Biomechanics will give you the skill set to offer gait analysis to potential clients. I even know of personal trainers that solely specialise in training with recreational endurance runners. Furthermore, on the Running Conditioning and Biomechanics course we educate personal trainers about how to correctly program running sessions over a long term periodised plan. This gives you the full skill set to help improve clients running efficiency and plan for a personal best. If you’re the personal trainer that gets running PB’s with clients in the gym, you’ll have a queue longer than Harvey Nicholas on January sales day.
During our personal training course about Running Conditioning and Biomechanics we cover topics such as bare foot running vs. shod, shoe design and selection, joint biomechanics, gait analysis, periodisation and lactic acid threshold testing. The course is a combination of the latest peer reviewed research and training methodology from some of the greatest running coaches over the last decade.
For more information on our CPD course in Running Conditioning and Biomechanics for Personal Trainers, please feel free to email one of the team.