In the context of resistance training, periodisation refers to the manipulation of training variables in order to reach a peak level of endurance, strength, speed or power. It is well established that a periodised program will always be superior to non-periodised training. The manipulations of…
The squat arguably forms the skeleton of most successful training programs, whether the goal is strength, power, rate of force development, conditioning or for aesthetic goals. As a personal trainer wishing to enhance their practice through continual professional development, learning how to coach, and correct individuals,…
Often when we consider improving the health of an individual suffering from cardiovascular disorders, cardiovascular training when recommended by a health professional is the go-to tool. However strength training is now known to promote acute reductions in blood pressure – the phenomenon is called “post…
As a personal trainer, do you have a USP? Do you even think it’s important to have a USP? I remember, back in the day, when I first started working as a personal trainer, I thought it was better to be a ‘jack of all…
Whilst the primary focus of many clients is weight loss or body composition-related goals, it is becoming more and more common to train sport-specific clients. When we consider the female client who participates in sport, research shows a 5-7x greater occurrence of non-contact ACL injuries….
Pressing behind the neck in a deep squat position could possibly be one of the most critical postural exercises your program is missing. Often we will observe with clients an anterior dominance in development, frequently overdeveloped pectorals, anterior deltoids and rectus abdominus, compared to the posterior…
motive8 CPD launched at the start at 2015, offering courses for personal trainers and fitness instructors. As a Personal Training Company, working in the health and fitness company for the past 15 years, we had a vision to pass on our passion and knowledge to…
Controlled studies have always measured exercise intensity based on information gathered from maximal exercise testing, often using oxygen uptake, blood lactic levels, and or peak power output. However there are extreme limitations of these methods, particularly when we consider the environment personal trainers often work…
As a personal trainer myself I know the value of personal training courses. In an industry as competitive as ours keeping ahead of others can be difficult, especially considering many don’t receive training in sales and marketing. I don’t truly believe if you’re a sole personal trainer that you…
As a personal trainer or strength coach, exercise selection is arguably the key component of a successful training plan. Recently I’ve read several articles arguing the superiority of one single lower body exercise as a dominant movement for strength, power, hypertrophy development etc. In reality…